Thursday, March 25, 2010

Food Focus...

Lately I have been on a major food focus. Some of you who enjoy cooking might relate to this: Some weeks I go grocery shopping and get the "usuals" on my list..nothing new...nothing exciting. I make the "usual dinners" that week - and though everything tastes good, I am left feeling unfulfilled and bored. My husband on the other hand, could eat the same thing every night for the rest of his life and be fine. Not me - I'm the girl that has my favorites, but loves to try new things, experiment (not always the best idea in the kitchen), and mix it up a bit! PS - I've had plenty of disaster-moments doing this.....we're talking about entire dishes down the drain because it was literally inedible. My success rate is about 87.9%....not bad! ;)

The last few weeks though, I am in Chef Boy-Ar-Hughes mode!!! Dinner last night was a simple one but I experimented with a few new flavors - a fresh basil, garlic, & lemon marinade for the chicken, topped with a little olive oil, shredded basil, & crushed garlic.

Finished product!


Nicole Hughes said...
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Nicole Hughes said...

Shoot Yea! It turned out pretty good!! ;)