Thursday, November 5, 2009

Staying Motivated During the Hibernation Months

This particular time of year is always difficult for me to stay motivated, in fact it's this exact week of the year that seems to be the most difficult. Let's break this down:

1. It almost feels like winter and in most parts of the country it really is winter (would LOVE the above picture to be winter in Austin!!!)

2. The time changes - I get up earlier, according to my alarm clock, so I get a TON of work accomplished in the morning to early afternoon. Around 4pm I'm thinking okay...what am I forgetting about. The light begins to play tricks on my eyes so I'm continuously thinking it's later than it actually is.

3. My mailbox fills with magazines boasting comfort food, holiday parties, and winter decor

4. Movies showing at the theater are mostly feel good, nostalgic, Holiday-esque movies

This is a marketers dream! So how do you stay motivated when 98% of the population is out shopping for the Holidays, cooking homemade apple pie, and putting off their workouts until the new year?

For me - my motivation comes from books, quotes, essays, and movies (nerdy I know - but it's true) This week I've had to take extra measures to read about greatness and the fulfillment of dreams. In particular - Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison & Testament of Hope by Martin Luther King.

Where does your motivation come from? Is it about fitting into your skinny jeans, having more energy each day, or is it about feeling good and well? Whatever your motivation - tap into it - TODAY. Don't wait for tomorrow - Live Now.

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -- Mark Twain

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