Monday, August 17, 2009

Spartan 300 Challenge

When Paul Phelps, first approached us with the idea of holding an event at the Testosterone Festival I must admit I didn't think it was real - I thought, "Testosterone Festival?? Is Jeremy just messing with me?" But when we sat down with Paul, organizer of the Testosterone Festival, I knew it would be a lot of fun and perfect for something like The Spartan 300 Challenge. There were a ton of things to do and see from cooking classes, UFC Fighters, MMA, Bikini Contest, Fit Model Search, poker, basketball games, video games, car show....the list goes on...

Saturday and Sunday my team - Christine, Ben , & Alex - took turns promoting the Spartan 300 Training Package (out this December) at our booth. I've never set up a booth before so this was a new adventure - but I think it turned out pretty good!

The coaches loaded in the equipment on Friday afternoon - we brought barbells, mats, boxes, kettlebells, bumper plates AND Richard made us a mobile pull up bar!

Since the Palmer Event Center wouldn't let us drill into their floor (lame) ;) we had a max of 3 people go at a time to keep the pull up bars steady and all athletes had to do dead hang pull ups instead of kipping pull ups. It definitely changed the landscape of the workout - but these guys and girl pushed through it and did a phenomenal job!

One of my favorite competitors was Elisabeth Duncan, or Liz. She was the only girl to sign up for the challenge - LOVE IT! She rocked and her husband competed in the workout too - it was his 1st CrossFit workout .....ever and he took on the Saprtan Challenge @ the Elite level! CRAZY!!

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