Thursday, August 13, 2009

Shock 'n' Awe

Julie (aka Shock) posted this pic on her blog of us at The Movement right after we put pink spray paint in her hair. Julie and I represent two different sides of Central

Julie (Shock) - Numbers, Data, Contracts, Forecasting, Payroll, HR, Accounting, Spreadsheets, Insurance, Details

Nicole (Awe) - Media, Photoshop, Website, Branding, Culture, Videos, Pictures, Big Ideas & Big Picture, Events

We are truly the ying and the yang of the company. Jeremy has referred to us as many things - Central's Pit Bulls, Work Horses, Julie's the right hand & I'm the left. But we thought the title SHOCK & AWE was much better suited! When Julie starts talking about budgets, numbers, and spreadsheets she starts talking a little faster with pure excitment and her eyes get wide - she can't help but eyes glaze over and I have to remind myself to focus. When I start talking about new websites, projects, making events over the top, and creating cool videos I get so psched and start talking faster - wide eyed....Julie looks at me cross eyed, shakes her head, and laughs. ;)

Our Associate team is starting to grow, Ben & Christine have recently joined the team and they're killing it behind the scenes.

I'm looking for 1 more person to join my media staff - could it be you?
This person has to be self-motivated, dedicated, passionate about the community, culture & branding of CrossFit Central. Knowledge of video editing, photoshop, In Design, and HTML code are a plus but not required - just need the desire to learn it. This person must be passionate about grass roots marketing, understand social media, have the ability to work on several projects at once, and the sedire to grow inside a start up company.
This position has endless posibilities.
If you're intersted shoot me an email

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Cute picture and I really like the shirts! Have a great weekend!!