Sunday, June 13, 2010

If Nacho Did It - You Can Too

This movie clip has been resounding in my head all weekend....well that and the Rosebud scene from Citizen Kane...but that's another story entirely ;) In this hilarious and ridiculous clip Jack Black's character hides the fact that he is secretly living out his dream as a wrestler.

Mostly it's just hysterical to watch Jack Black's facial expressions but it does bring up a good point - What would happen if you set out to make your dreams a reality? What would happen if you follow your heart? Would you quit your job - Start a new project or pick up an old one - Make amends with a co-worker - Apologize to a friend - Say I love you?

I make it a point to consistently examine my life and ask myself -- Am I the director in my life or a member of the audience, anxiously waiting to see how it all plays out? Am I choosing the various paths of my life or am I living someone else's dream?

And if you can recognize the irony laced within these sentences you're already ahead of the game.


Anonymous said...


Strong words at then end Ninja, Like were your heads at though.

Nicole Hughes said...

Thank ya sir! This movie seriously makes me laugh so hard - I can't handle it. PLUS the infinite wisdom that can be found in the Nacho Libre - unstoppable haha ;)